ESG Rating

For further information on the ratings, please refer to the most recent Sustainability Report, available in the specific section Sustainability & ESG reporting of the institutional website. 

1 The most recent rating was received in July 2022. The assigned Outlook is "Positive", with a Long Term Expected Rating equal to EE+. Further information about Standard Ethics Rating is available at:

2 The most recent rating was received in November 2022. Further information about Refinitiv is available at :

3 The most recent rating was received November 2022. The Company falls into the low risk category with regard to the risk of experiencing material financial impacts from ESG factors.

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4 The most recent rating was received in March 2022. Further information about S&P Global is available at:

5 The most recent rating was received in November 2022. Data is provided by Moody’s ESG Solutions. Further information is available at:

6 The most recent rating was received in December 2022, with the Company being assigned Prime status, reserved for companies that in their reference sector (Asset Management & Brokerage) have obtained particularly high scores compared to their peers. Further information about ISS ESG is available at: