Internal Dealing

The Board of Directors adopted the procedure for regulating Internal Dealing reports, relating to transactions on financial instruments issued by the Company carried out by employees with administration, control and management functions, by significant shareholders, as well as by persons closely associated with them.

Relevant Persons are those who cover administration, control or management functions in ANIMA Holding S.p.A. and therefore Directors, Statutory ​​Auditors, the General Manager, executives with Strategic Responsibilities and other executives operating in the subsidiaries.

A Relevant Shareholder is any person holding a stake of at least 10% of the Company share capital, represented by shares with voting rights, and any other person controlling ANIMA Holding S.p.A..

The Internal Dealing procedure includes the provisions on the internal and external disclosure of company documents and information regarding the Group, in particular the ones related to confidential information, relevant information and privileged information. The procedures also covers the shares buy-back programmes by Anima Holding S.p.A. The procedure has been approved by the Board of Directors of ANIMA Holding S.p.A. on June 12, 2017 and subsequently amended and supplemented.

The details of the transactions subject to the Internal Dealing Procedure are available on the Company website in the Investor Relations – Notices section.